Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Marijuana Justice

10 Zen Monkeys interviews Ed Rosenthal, Marijuana Grower/Author/Activist. The interview focuses on the bizarre legal situation he is in. Deputized by the City of Oakland to grow medical marijuana, Ed was later federally charged and was not allowed to to use his connection to the city of Oakland in his defense. Ed Rosenthal: Big Man […]

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
The Evil of *Many* Lessers

“Just tell your readers that you have a source who knows a lot about the Republican party from long experience, that he knows all the key movers and shakers, and he has a bit of advice: People should not vote for any Republican, because they’re dangerous, dishonest and self-serving. While I once believed that Governor […]

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Movie Review – Shoot ‘Em Up

I’m rarely interested in the actual movie review when I read one, but quite often you find some good quotes. “Clive Owen is making a career of delivering newborns and smuggling them to safety against impossible odds—he performed the same office in last year’s sublime Children of Men, a work so profoundly divergent from Shoot […]

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
First Post

Fist post to test out the interface.