Boing Boing directed me to this video mixing John McCain with music and singers. Its worth a quick look. It certainly has the best use so far of the “Bomb bomb bomb Iran” soundbite. Video on You Tube Via Boing Boing: Yes We Can — the McCain mix
Boing Boing directed me to this video mixing John McCain with music and singers. Its worth a quick look. It certainly has the best use so far of the “Bomb bomb bomb Iran” soundbite. Video on You Tube Via Boing Boing: Yes We Can — the McCain mix
This is probably old news for the multitude of Street Fighter fans out there, but in case you missed it: A new Street Fighter Movie is in the works. Yes, I am not shitting you. Apparently someone thought the first one was good enough to make a sequel. Or maybe this is a case of […]
Everybody throw out your HD-DVD players! It’s officially over, and Blu-Ray has won the war. Today Toshiba announced it will no longer be supporting HD-DVD, effectively surrendering in a war that has been lost for some time now. So try to trick someone into buying your HD-DVD before they find out it’s obsolete, and if […]
I’ve been seeing a lot about this “Barack Obama” fellow for the last few weeks and decided to get to know what he’s all about. Apparently he’s not a Middle Easterner, he’s actually more African in origin. So that raises the question “Is America ready for another black President”? We all know in the 90’s […]
Why such a huge percentage of the North American mass killings happen at educational institutions is something that desperately needs to be figured out. I doubt the answer will be quick, or simple, or even satisfying, but until we get a better handle on why this crazy shit happens, we will have to keep reading […]
Straight from the “holy crap does the man ever over-react these days file” comes this little story from the U.K. where they’ve been employing high frequency devices to drive off loitering and drunken teens in certain areas. Apparently, the pitch of the frequency is something that is only audible (and thus highly annoying, uncomfortable, and […]
Well yeah, these people probably have a point. China may not be the coolest place on the planet to be a zoo animal. Maybe any kind of animal since they all make it on the menu. Still i’m not going to be all hippocratical about it.Watching lions and tigers ride freaked out horses would be […]
And you’ll never guess what it is. Ok, maybe you will because of the picture. And this is according to the Wall Street Journal.SHARKS WITH LASER BEAMS ARE KILLING THE INTERNET!I knew it had to be something more devious than a series of accidents, or a multinational conspiracy. But this begs the question, who strapped […]
Given the recent developments regarding the recent undersea internet cable cuts, as brought to the attention of BBD reader by Brother Greg (see previous post), I thought some further documents and websites might provide some greater context, and more ammunition for the “conspiracy” minded among us. Here are couple of initial reports (BBC) and commentaries […]
Proving once again that no religious official of any faith should be trusted with anything past making their own breakfast (which they will probably ask someone else to do for them anyways). The Archbishop of Canterbury, head cleric of the Anglican Church, has argued in a speach at the Royal Court of Justice, that Sharia […]