Thursday, May 8th, 2008
Replacement Organ Roundup

The science fiction blog io9 often delves into real science. They have a nice summary of the state of replacements for various organs. I was holding out for lungs, but since the scientists were dragging their feet I quit smoking instead. Timing is everything. io9: Forget the Jetpack – Where Are My Replacement Organs? “Knowing […]

Thursday, May 8th, 2008
ASCII Star Wars

The other night I was cleaning up an old computer so that I could give it away. On the hard-drive was an old text file with a bunch of websites I has noted down 8 years ago. And of course, I had made sure to record the telnet address of ASCII Star Wars. Here is […]

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
Global Warming on Pause

Well it looks as though the Polar Bears might not all die, and Ted turner can let his crack anti-cannibal security team relax for a while. The world will not boil, not this year at least. According to NOAA Southern hemisphere sea ice (yes I know, no Polar bears there) is at its highest recorded […]

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
Ted Turner Predicts Cannibalism from Global Warming

Ted Turner is a fun guy. I hadn’t thought much about cannibalism in recent years, and then I saw ‘Animal Cannibals’ and the original ‘Dawn of the Dead’ and re-experienced the shock and horror of species on species snacking. According to Mr. Turner, if we don’t do something about this durned environment problem, we’ll end […]

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
CBC Radio Series: How to think About Science

Here’s a great series of audio broadcasts done by CBC radio this winter on the matter of science and how we ought to think about it. Really interesting stuff. Ninjaman recommends episode 5 with Ulrich Beck and Bruno Latour especially.  

Monday, May 5th, 2008
Great news for Family Guy

[googlevideo][/googlevideo]Who doesn’t love family oriented television. It’s always great to have something to sit down in front of with the whole family and laugh together. I know my whole family loves this great new show called “Family Guy“. It’s about a family living in the suburbs, they have 3 kids (Alex, Mallory, and Jennifer) and […]

Monday, May 5th, 2008
DIY Infused Vodka

I had a craving this weekend for banana vodka, but apparently this is not sold in my local liquor store. I assume SOMEONE makes this, but I haven’t really seen it. So how did I get this craving? Not sure, but it was raining outside and I couldn’t got to the zoo like I had […]

Monday, May 5th, 2008
The Real Calvin and Hobbes

Here’s some fun art for fans of Calvin and Hobbes by artist spacecoyote, as seen on Deviant Art .com. LINK Artists comments: Few historians know of the heartwarming friendship between French Reformation theologian John Calvin and English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes, the latter of whom may or may not have been real, considering he was […]

Monday, May 5th, 2008
Navy Wants Laser Blasters

Navy destroyers with laser guns? Its still science fiction, but we’re one step closer to sailing the seas with laser beams. From the Wired Danger Room Blog: Navy Pushing Laser ‘Holy Grail’ to Weapons Grade There are lots of good links to other laser-related news. I didn’t realize the Danger Room had an entire sub-category […]