I’ve always liked D&D, I haven’t played in years but I keep up with it and would love to find time (and good people) to play. I also like porn, so imagine my suprise when I found out not only is there a blog called “Playing D&D with Porn Stars“, there’s also a show about […]
Try a few of these in google, wait for a second, see what comes up.why won’twhy iscan jewhat aredo mi
I’m a fan of art in all it’s forms, especially the kind of art that I download from the internet.This kind of art is really makes it to the top of my awesome list, garbage art-Artists are outraged at a piece of art which has won a Waikato award and $15,000, the controversial piece is […]
Fun, useless, picture for today: Transformers’ Optimus Prime rendered from tin cans. Call this a pro-recycling message. Link to desktop size image
The other night I was cleaning up an old computer so that I could give it away. On the hard-drive was an old text file with a bunch of websites I has noted down 8 years ago. And of course, I had made sure to record the telnet address of ASCII Star Wars. Here is […]
Here’s some fun art for fans of Calvin and Hobbes by artist spacecoyote, as seen on Deviant Art .com. LINK Artists comments: Few historians know of the heartwarming friendship between French Reformation theologian John Calvin and English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes, the latter of whom may or may not have been real, considering he was […]
Well yeah, these people probably have a point. China may not be the coolest place on the planet to be a zoo animal. Maybe any kind of animal since they all make it on the menu. Still i’m not going to be all hippocratical about it.Watching lions and tigers ride freaked out horses would be […]
How long do Smurfs live? I remember they had baby smurfs, kid smurfs and grandpa smurfs, so they must age. But the little blue freaks have been around for 50 years, and now they’re coming out with a new movie, tv series, and comics!I’m looking forward to Basement Computer Smurf (aka WOW Smurf), Emo Smurf, […]
Virgil Griffith has put together an interesting data correlation: books and SAT scores. His goal: find out which books make you dumber. Check out his website to see the results: Booksthatmakeyoudumb Ever read a book (required or otherwise) and upon finishing it thought to yourself, “Wow. That was terrible. I totally feel dumber after reading […]
Today i get paidFor thinking up some HaikuAnd I get paid well No one ever taught me about Haiku in school. I wish I went to Millikin University where they offer a Haiku course.