Try a few of these in google, wait for a second, see what comes up.why won’twhy iscan jewhat aredo mi
Try a few of these in google, wait for a second, see what comes up.why won’twhy iscan jewhat aredo mi
With the launch of Google’s new Web Borwser, Chrome, Google commissioned comic artist Scott McCloud to create a comic to introduce the system. This is a more fun: Uh oh, the b-tards got their hands on Google’s Chrome comic
Google has become a standard activity in internet-enabled societies. Googling something is right up there with going for groceries, taking out the trash, walking the dog, and other things that almost everyone does, or is at least intimately familiar with the concept. That said, ‘Googling’ shows up as an error in this spell check. Didn’t […]
But seriously, I’m at work so I don’t want any wang in my cache so I’ll have to check out his package at a later date. Talk about free publicity though, everyone knows that Americans don’t give a rats ass about hockey, but they sure love people who may be gay, porn, and scandals. All […]