Friday, February 8th, 2008
Wall Street Journal Suggests Cause for Cable Cuts

And you’ll never guess what it is. Ok, maybe you will because of the picture. And this is according to the Wall Street Journal.SHARKS WITH LASER BEAMS ARE KILLING THE INTERNET!I knew it had to be something more devious than a series of accidents, or a multinational conspiracy. But this begs the question, who strapped […]

Friday, February 8th, 2008
Context for Undersea Cable Cuts? The Pentagon’s Information Operations Roadmap

Given the recent developments regarding the recent undersea internet cable cuts, as brought to the attention of BBD reader by Brother Greg (see previous post), I thought some further documents and websites might provide some greater context, and more ammunition for the “conspiracy” minded among us. Here are couple of initial reports (BBC) and commentaries […]

Thursday, February 7th, 2008
More undersea internet cable cuts!

The total number of internet cables feeding India and the Middle East cut is now up to 5. I guess we’d hear more about it, but we can’t, you know cuz their internet is broken.I was originally thinking this was someones way of reducing the economic appeal of outsourcing to India, but the focus of […]

Friday, January 25th, 2008
Data Visualization: Books that Make You Dumb

Virgil Griffith has put together an interesting data correlation: books and SAT scores. His goal: find out which books make you dumber. Check out his website to see the results: Booksthatmakeyoudumb Ever read a book (required or otherwise) and upon finishing it thought to yourself, “Wow. That was terrible. I totally feel dumber after reading […]

Monday, December 31st, 2007
Documentary Guide

Kevin Kelly has updated his guide to documentaries (or True Films as he refers to them in the title). Better yet, he is offering it free. Here is his post on his Cool Tools blog: Cool Tool: True Films eBook If you are interested in documentaries, or reality film-making, definitely check this out. You are […]

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007
And now for something completely (sort of) different

I am reminded almost daily why I love the internet (yes, in that way) by sites like this one.

Tuesday, December 18th, 2007
Computer Security Q&A With Bruce Schneier

I finally caught up with my Freakonomics Blog reading. I found the Q&A session with security guru Bruce Schneier to be the most interesting of the last 2 weeks. He answered a ton of questions, and gave very detailed responses, with lots of supplementary links. This is definitely not dry, techie/hacker security talk – Bruce […]

Monday, December 17th, 2007
How Many 12 Year Olds Can You Beat Up?

In my constant effort to support the wackier elements of the internet I bring you “A REALISTIC ASSESSMENT OF HOW MANY 12-YEAR-OLDS I COULD BEAT UP BEFORE THEY OVERTOOK ME“.I figure I could take on an even dozen before I get too tired and they swarm me

Monday, December 10th, 2007
Google as Standard Activity

Google has become a standard activity in internet-enabled societies. Googling something is right up there with going for groceries, taking out the trash, walking the dog, and other things that almost everyone does, or is at least intimately familiar with the concept. That said, ‘Googling’ shows up as an error in this spell check. Didn’t […]

Friday, October 12th, 2007
Kick in the Nuts Blog

Check this out– A blog entirely dedicated to people getting groin injuries in comic books –I’ve said it before, i’ll say it again. I love the internet.