The folks that brought you the Internet are still at it. The U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced the invention of a ‘blob-like’ robot which is able to inflate and deflate it’s body through a process called ‘jamming’, in which the robot’s synthetic (silicone) skin is changed back and forth from solid […]
This handy chart linked through Warren Ellis’ blog shows where you can smoke in the United States. Curiously, Vermont is the only state that allows you to smoke at the workplace when everywhere else is banned. In every place I have lived, I believe smoking was banned in the workplace before anywhere else. Or maybe […]
Given the recent developments regarding the recent undersea internet cable cuts, as brought to the attention of BBD reader by Brother Greg (see previous post), I thought some further documents and websites might provide some greater context, and more ammunition for the “conspiracy” minded among us. Here are couple of initial reports (BBC) and commentaries […]
Seriously, here you go.,2933,317548,00.html hehehe.
The site was blogged recently at Boing Boing: CommitteeCaller: phone an entire Congressional committee with one click. I’m already making notes to check out the open source PBX system, Asterix PBX mentioned in the post. Beyond my general hacker’s interest in the technology, the application is very interesting. How long will something like this […]